
I had the same problem a few weeks back in a two channel scenario.
I ended up writing a simple python 'gate' block that passes a configurable amount of samples for every pulse on the trigger input.

It is super inflexible and hacky but should be fairly easy to modify.

I quickly moved the block to it's own OOT module. You can find it here:

Let me know if you need any help modifying it.


On 20.06.2018 20:02, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
On 06/20/2018 01:05 PM, c...@origosat.com wrote:
Hi, I am new to the gnuradio environment..so please forgive me... I have an USRP B200 and I am looking to save to a file I & Q samples of bursty, random (ALOHA) messages sampled at high rate, for furter processing (in a repeatable fashion). Of course it is not possible to save 15--20 mminutes of data at 50MSPS, but using something like a "valve" (deprecated in GRC) it vould be possible:
1) to detect in real time the burst data transmission
2) to open the valve towards a file sink
A separate file could be used to record timestamp and/or length of data blocks recorded

Looking at  GRC I haven't found any useable block to build a valve used at run time based on a threshold (e.g. output of a filter to detect the TX random signal) . Could anybody help?
Thanks a lot

Here's a "trick".

Have your threshold detector switch the output of the file sink between /dev/null and an actual file.

There's also power squelch, which can either insert zeros, or act as a "gate".

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