I want to use the CtrlPort Performance Monitor block to compare CPU usage of 
several demodulator alternatives. I built GNU Radio version 3.7.12 using 
PyBOMBS on Ubuntu 18.04. I added -DENABLE_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS=ON to the 
gnuradio.lwr recipe. I installed  networkx, matplotlib, and python-pygraphviz. 
I edited gnuradio-runtime.conf as follows:

[ControlPort] on = True
[ControlPort] edges_list = True
[PerfCounters] on = True
[PerfCounters] export = True

I ran a simple flowgraph Signal Source > Throttle > Null Sink with the CtrlPort 
Performance Monitor block. The Performance Monitor window opens, but the graph 
is empty. Please let me know how to make CtrlPort Performance Monitor work.


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