Hi Linda,

Do you mean "sending 0 in between" or do you mean "switch transmission
on some SDR device on and off"?

First case: multiply with a (threshold(sawtooth from signal source))

Second case: see the gr-uhd examples on how to do bursty transmissions,
if a USRP is what we're talking about!

If possible, when asking the mailing list, give enough context so that
we can unambigously understand what you're asking about!

Best regards,
Marcus Müller

On Sat, 2018-06-30 at 10:44 -0400, Linda20071 wrote:
> For some reason, I need to send out a sine wave for 1 second, wait
> for 5 seconds, and finally send out another sine wave for another 1
> second. Is it possible to make such a source in gnu radio directly,
> based on the existing gnu radio blocks?
> Thanks in advance!
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