Hello SDR community,

I need some guidance into how vector manipulation works in GNU radio

Suppose I have the following MATLAB/Octave code:

Nf          = 128;

Nt          = 2^10;

F           = zeros(Nt/2+1,1);

idxs        = (1:round(Nt/Nf)/2:Nt/2)+1

phi         = 2*pi*rand(Nf,1);

F(idxs,:)   = sqrt(Nt)*exp(1i*phi);

% can't figure out how to manipulate elements of F (vector object in GRC)

What would be the most efficient (development time) way of implementing
this? I have spent a couple of hours in GRC messing with vector blocks and
I still can't find ways to manipulate indexes of vectors.

Should I make a bare-bones template in GRC and add my own numpy code to get
around block limitations?

I feel like GRC was designed with streaming in mind. Vector and matrix
manipulation seems really limited with GUI blocks unless I am missing
something. Do most people write python code directly for non-streaming

Thank you for your time,

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