
Thankyou.   I partially resolved this by uninstalling UHD and GRC, and using 
the latest PyBOMBS to compile from source both UHD and GRC.  The good news is 
that after installing the correct FPGA image, GRC runs.  Unfortunately it is 
not operating correctly.  GRC is throuwing codes Gt, the simple generate a 
cosine tone, send it to the Ettus X310, then loop it back to the receiver for 
display seems to only show LO leakage at 0 Hz.  Additionally GRC will not 
properly end, and I must force an exit.

Attached is the console output (text file).  It looks like I have some files 
from the old install that are interfering with the new GRC install.  I'm not 
sure where to look to erase them if so.  Any other idea's what is the issue?

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Sunday, September 23, 2018 6:35 PM, Dave NotTelling <dmp250...@gmail.com> 

> John,
>      The issue you are having is that the version of the firmware on your 
> radio does not match the version of the UHD libraries that you have on your 
> system.  You need to either update your radios (uhd_image_loader) or change 
> your version of UHD to match what the radio has.  The former is the better 
> choice in my opinion.
>      I think that you need to add `--init-only` to the uhd_usrp_probe command 
> to tell if the versions line up.  I seem to recall not getting the version 
> error without it.
>      For the instructions on how to compile UHD from source: 
> https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_build_guide.html
>      Also, for GNU Radio: https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/UbuntuInstall
>      You likely don't need to install from source.  As far as I know gr-uhd 
> just makes use of the system UHD install.  Perhaps you have two different 
> locations that UHD is installed to?  You could double check that you don't 
> have libuhd.so in /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib at the same time.  I'd suggest 
> updating the radios to the current firmware with uhd_image_loader, power 
> cycling them, and then trying again.
> Good luck!
> -Dave
> On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 5:36 PM John_w_g <john_...@protonmail.com> wrote:
>> I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and the only listed GRC version in the ppa is 
>> version
>> I have an Ettus x310 and have downloaded the correct FPGA image and verified 
>> correct operation with uhd_usrp_probe.
>> I have GRC 3.7.11 installed and when I attempt to access the x310, I get an 
>> incompatible FPGA version.
>> First question is what is the correct GRC version to work with this UHD 
>> version?
>> Second question as a relatively new Linux user, I really don't want to 
>> compile source code. If that is necessary, where should I look for a 
>> detailed description of the correct process.
>> John G
>> Sent from ProtonMail mobile
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