I have gnuradio OOT module, with 3 general blocks, and 1 "noblock" called
In the global_var.h file, I want to define a set of "global variables" that
can be accessed and modified by the 3 general blocks.

To do so, I define in global_var.h file a extern variable: *extern int

The module compiles fine (I code the blocks in C++), but then when
importing the blocks with python, any of them can be imported.
I get the error: "module name not found"

This error is caused by the extern variable, because I remove this
variable, and blocks can be imported.

How/where should I declare the global variables that can be read and
modified from the general blocks?

Note: I use this global variables to trigger different actions in each block

Thank you.

*Laura Arjona *
Washington Research Foundation Innovation Postdoctoral Fellow in

*Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering*
185 E Stevens Way NE
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-2350
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