Hi Zhongyuan,

Ubuntu has nothing to do with it, but yes, your sdimg has to fit to the
UHD version that you run on your PC. And of course, the sdimg dictates
the FPGA image.

No, these can't be de-coupled, because the FPGA image makes the USRP
what it is, digitally (think of an FPGA as a large configurable PCB
with a lot of logic and arithmetic components: the FPGA image defines
how that PCB looks, completely). And thus, since you can't use an old
driver with different hardware, the driver must "understand" the FPGA.

Ettus could, of course, introduce "backwards-compatibility" so that new
UHD can talk to older hardware (i.e. older FPGA images), but that opens
up a lot of room for compatibility bugs, so without knowing for sure, I
don't think that's very far up on the priorities list.

Best regards,

On Thu, 2018-11-08 at 10:15 -0600, Zhongyuan Zhao wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> Thank you for the detailed explanation. I think this is very helpful.
> The reason I need a specific version of UHD is to work with a remote N310.
> It seems that to work with a N310, the versions of Ubuntu (sdimg), FPGA 
> image, and UHD on the host computer must all match. 
> However, since my N310 is deployed remotely, I can not update its sdimg 
> often. I wonder if sdimg and FPGA image could be de-coupled in the future. 
> Correct me if I am wrong about this. 
> Many thanks!
> Best Regards,
> Zhongyuan Zhao
> PhD Candidate, 
> Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
> University of Nebraska-Lincoln
> Suite 117, Schorr Center,
> Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0115
> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 2:17 AM Müller, Marcus (CEL) <muel...@kit.edu> wrote:
> > Hi Zhonghyuan,
> > 
> > if you don't want the current git master version, chances are you
> > should just stick with a release from the maint-3.7 branch. Have a look
> > at the "gnuradio-stable" (instead of gnuradio / gnuradio-default)
> > recipe. You can specify branches and/or tags with the "gitbranch"
> > property.
> > 
> > By the way, PyBOMBS is a cool piece of hardware if you're planning to
> > juggle many prefixes, or you need to do cross-platform development.
> > 
> > If you're on current debian/fedora/gentoo (not really on Ubuntu), you
> > can just get the latest stable release via your distro's package
> > management, which will inherently work with your distro's UHD version.
> > That's the recommended way of using GNU Radio and UHD, unless you need
> > to modify the source code of UHD or GNU Radio. For end users, our
> > philosophy is that they shouldn't have to build GNU Radio from source.
> > 
> > If you actually want to use a different UHD than what was shipped with
> > your distro (e.g. the UHD packages that Ettus offers on their own repo,
> > or built from source), then yes, you'll have to build GNU Radio
> > yourself. 
> > 
> > I'm going to stress this again, because people will read this in the
> > future:
> > *If you're an end-user and want to work _WITH_ GNU Radio and UHD, just
> > get a current Linux distro (debian is well-supported, for example), and
> > install their GNU Radio package.*
> > 
> > In your case, you said you wanted specific versions of GNU Radio and
> > UHD. So, the procedure I'd personally recommend is the following:
> > 
> > 1. (important) uninstall anything GNU Radio and UHD-dependent that was
> > installed through your operating system's package management. Yes.
> > Don't skip this step. Any package with "gnuradio", "gr-" or "uhd" in
> > its name must be uninstalled.
> > 2. install the UHD version you want (and only that) the way you want.
> > Personally, 
> > git clone https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd && cd uhd/host && \
> > git checkout {the git tag you want} && mkdir build && cd build && \
> > cmake .. && make -j8 && sudo make install 
> > makes me happier than using pyBOMBS.
> > 3. install the GNU Radio version you want. 
> > git clone https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio && cd gnuradio && \
> > git checkout {the git tag you want} && mkdir build && cd build && \
> > cmake .. && make -j8 && sudo make install 
> > 
> > Done; honestly, for single-installation source builds, you really don't
> > need PyBOMBS just to build GNU Radio. PyBOMBS is awesome at installing
> > complete development dependency environments into prefixes, but hey,
> > you've got a Linux distro, and on debianoids, e.g "apt build-dep
> > gnuradio" will do the same (but beware, you'll need to remove the
> > debian-supplied uhd packages afterwards).
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > Marcus –don't build from source if you don't have to– Müller
> > On Wed, 2018-11-07 at 15:32 -0600, Zhongyuan Zhao wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > It seems that PyBombs always install the latest version of UHD and GRC. 
> > > Is there a way to specify older versions in the installation? 
> > > If the only way is installing from the source, how to make sure the 
> > > version of UHD work with GRC? 
> > > Thank you!
> > > 
> > > Best Regards,
> > > Zhongyuan Zhao
> > > 
> > > PhD Candidate, 
> > > Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
> > > University of Nebraska-Lincoln
> > > Suite 117, Schorr Center,
> > > Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0115
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