Hi all,

I found the example of ctrlport in folder
gnuradio- I has try to learn from
usrp_source_controller.py and simple_copy_controller.py i am not Python
programmer but with try both files i can learn what the meaning of that
code, and i have some question about that:
- its possible if ctrlport is use to remote my variable on gnu block? If
possible, how to do that?
- on simple_copy_controller.py the input port 'en' is can remote by
ctrlport to enable/disable. My question is, why the name of the block is
'copy0' (please see my bellow for the code)? Where i can know the block
nickname so i can use it with ctrlport?

simple_copy_controller.py code:

> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import sys
> import pmt
> from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadioControlPortClient import
> GNURadioControlPortClient
> args = sys.argv
> if(len(args) < 4):
>     sys.stderr.write('Not enough arguments: simple_copy_controller.py
> <host> <port> [true|false]\n\n')
>     sys.exit(1)
> hostname = args[1]
> portnum = int(args[2])
> msg = args[3].lower()
> argv = [None, hostname, portnum]
> radiosys = GNURadioControlPortClient(argv=argv, rpcmethod='thrift')
> radio = radiosys.client
> if(msg == 'true'):
>     radio.postMessage('*copy0*', 'en', pmt.PMT_T)
> elif(msg == 'false'):
>     radio.postMessage('*copy0*', 'en', pmt.PMT_F)
> else:
>     sys.stderr.write('Unrecognized message: must be true or false.\n\n')
>     sys.exit(1)
many thanks

best regards,

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