Correction, I should have said entire 4 bit range instead of 128 bit
range, but I hope you got the picture.


On 12/31/18, Adrian Musceac <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sorry I didn't have much time to research the intricacies of the
> convolutional decoder implementation, but I have a question coming
> more from the user perspective regarding the optimal way of using the
> API.
> In the default implementation of the extended decoder (
> ) the canonical way seems to be to multiply the input (which is
> assumed to be symbols scaled close to -1, 1 range) with 48, and then
> to add 128 to bring into unsigned char 128 bit per symbol range.
> This works fine, except it exhibits what seems like a very abrupt
> cliff at about 3 db Eb/N0.
> I had the idea that comparatively large momentary noise amplitudes at
> this treshhold might cause a char overflow, so I modified this a
> little: instead of passing the unaltered symbol into the decoder, I
> clipped it to (-1, 1) with a rail_ff block and multiplied with 128 in
> an attempt to reserve the full 128 bit range of the decoder to the
> most ambiguous symbols while avoiding the char overflow. This seems to
> cause a more gentle degradation of the BER instead of the abrupt slope
> from before and maybe a little improvement in BER (not verified, could
> be bogus).
> I thought that either this is a good idea and might benefit more
> people, or I'm ignoring some subtleties of the Viterbi algorithm and I
> should be corrected because I'm doing something wrong.
> Thanks,
> Adrian

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