Incidentally, you may not be able to see your posts but this is the
third post of "Regarding correlate access code-tag block".

Also, you really haven't provide - at least for me - sufficient
information to reproduce the problem, i.e., the grc and input files.

I'll punt to someone else who might be able to spot the problem by
looking at the image.

-- Cinaed

On 1/7/19 10:10 PM, Maitry Raval wrote:
> Hello,
> Please find attached screenshot of GNU flow graph for CCSDS TM
> transmitter and receiver, in which I have used correlate access code-tag
> block in order to trigger at CCSDS sync bits and produce tags which is
> followed by custom block from gr-satellites fixed length packet tagger
> block in order to extract that sync bits from payload and provide
> payload file in file sink.
> But, the issue is that correlate access code-tag block is not working
> and producing tags, so that my output file will come blank. as  I am
> certain that at the output of FEC extended decoder, both the sync bits
> and payload is available which I have seen by attaching file sink at the
> output of FEC extended decoder.
> that means, there may be an issue to correlate access code-tag block.
> Can anyone please guide me where am I doing wrong? I have also tried by
> attaching time sink at the output of correlate access code-tag block and
> by right clicking the time domain spectrum and selecting
> trigger-mode-tag , but after executing, following is the message. but
> not trigger at the tag.
> Generating: 'C:\\Users\\maitry.raval\\Desktop\\'
> Executing: C:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\python.exe -u
> C:\Users\maitry.raval\Desktop\
> DEBUG: Access code: 1acffc1d
> DEBUG: Mask: ffffffff
> gr::pagesize: no info; setting pagesize = 4096
> I have GNU radio version: in windows OS.
> With Best Regards,
> Maitry Raval,
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