I have created some heir blocks from the blocks that come with the program.
Nothing in C.

I tracked it down to my clock heir, which has only a signal source, three
delays, and a four terminal output pad sink.
I do notice what when I place the output pad sink the 0 terminal is white
even though I have set the block to float. After a couple of runs, the 0
terminal changes to the correct color.

On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 5:40 AM Michael Dickens <michael.dick...@ettus.com>

> Are any of your hier blocks written in c++? If so, are you trying to
> intermix in any of these such blocks both a flowgraph as well as ‘work’ of
> any kind? Although one shouldn’t be able to create such a hier block —
> their intent is just to encapsulate a flowgraph — the GR API allows one to
> program this dual use block. The c++ will compile, but it will fail runtime
> execution . I don’t recall the exact error message, but it’s something like
> what you reported , hence my wondering. We should really get this fixed in
> some forthcoming GR release. Hope this is useful! - MLD
> On Sat, Jan 19, 2019, at 11:43 PM, david vanhorn wrote:
> I am only a couple days into this, with a project that has several heir
> blocks.
> I just started getting a message "port number 0 exceeds max of (none)"
> I've looked through my files, and I don't see any unconnected ports.
> I don't see anything that indicates even which file or heir block is
> causing the problem.
> How can I track this down?
> --
> K1FZY (WA4TPW) SK  9/29/37-4/13/15
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