
Question on changing the variable at run-time.

I want to change the sync words in OFDM carrier Allocator block at run-time. I 
know that this will effect the receiver for packet synchronization/detection, 
which I don’t care at the moment. My only target is to vary this sync word at a 
time instant, for say every 15 sec for 1 min.

Another example can be Bastian’s 802.11a/b/g flow graph, where he used 
different training symbols, how can I change these values at run time?

Though I have successfully done this with WX GUI Chooser in a test flowgraph 
where I have 3 different variables, and it changes as I make change in the GUI 
Chooser, but when I do the same thing in OFDM Carrier allocator block there is 
no change. Can you suggest what might be the possible reason, or do we have any 
other way of doing it?

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