I would add that in my experience it is not enough to make the unknown PPS
into a known PPS. For example, if I were to go into the python file that my
flowgraph generated and in the __init__() function add something like:

curr_hw_time = self.USRP_A.get_time_last_pps()          #note: curr_hw_time
is a 'time_spec_t()' object

self.USRP_A.set_time_next_pps( (curr_hw_time+1.0 ) )
self.USRP_B.set_time_next_pps( (curr_hw_time+1.0 ) )

Then I would also have to add something like

self.USRP_A.set_start_time(uhd.time_spec_t(curr_hw_time+2.0 ) )
self.USRP_B.set_start_time(uhd.time_spec_t(curr_hw_time+2.0 ) )

To maintain the relative phase relation of the signals I receive between
re-initializations and full reboots of the USRPs. I am not sure why this is
the case, but this is the result I have seen while testing


On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 12:39 PM Paul Boven <p.bo...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Hi Ali,
> Your CDA-2990 (OctoClock?) distributes both a frequency reference signal
> (10MHz) and a time reference signal (1PPS). To get both USRP to record
> at the same time, you need to first get them to run on the same time
> internally, and then tell them both, in advance, at what time to start
> streaming.
> Unfortunately, that will take a bit of tinkering, and cannot be done
> from just regular GRC blocks at the moment.
> The first half of the problem, getting them to run at the same time, is
> a bit more difficult than it should be, as it involves writing some code
> to turn your 'unknown PPS' into a know PPS. Basically, you read out the
> PPS status from one of the USRPs, and once you see that it changes (i.e.
> a PPS edge has just been detected by it) you read out the time on your
> PC, add one second to it, and tell both USRPs that they have to set
> themselves to this time value at their next PPS. For more details, see:
> https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_sync.html
> Once you have this done, you can send a command to each USRP to start
> streaming at a particular second. This could be done either from two
> separate applications, or just one that talks to both USRPs, using two
> UHD source blocks.
> I've 'hacked' the required statements into the python code that gets
> generated when your GRC file is compiled. That has the huge drawback of
> having to re-patch it every time you change the flowgraph. This approach
> gets more convenient if you write your flowgraph in Python or C++, and
> add the required synchronization commands in there. Most of my
> measurements were done with a modified uhd_rx_cfile, where I added the
> synchronization logic, and an extra argument for the start time (in unix
> epoch seconds).
> Regards, Paul Boven.
> On 10/29/19 9:04 PM, alireza nazari wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to use GNURadio to receive signals and record them to files
> > from two USRP B210(each has two channels). Both SDRs are connected to an
> > CDA-2990 external clock. In gnuRadio I had to put two UHD source blocks
> > and use "serial=xxx" to point them to each SDR and connect each output
> > channel to 4 file Sink blocks. I also changed the clock and time source
> > to "external" and synced to "unknown PPS".  However, a couple of files
> > are different in size from the other couple. Apparently if I want to
> > start them synchronously, all four channels should be in one source
> > block, but how can I do that and point out each 2 channels come from a
> > different device? When I try one USRP source block
> > with "serial0=31A3C93,serial1=31A3D4B", I face an error bellow:
> > /Traceback (most recent call last):
> >    File "E:\Alireza\sdr_A20\top_block.py", line 207, in <module>
> >      main()
> >    File "E:\Alireza\sdr_A20\top_block.py", line 201, in main
> >      tb = top_block_cls()
> >    File "E:\Alireza\sdr_A20\top_block.py", line 125, in __init__
> >      self.uhd_usrp_source_0.set_clock_source('external', 1)
> >    File "E:\Program
> > Files\PothosSDR\lib\python2.7\site-packages\gnuradio\uhd\uhd_swig.py",
> > line 2987, in set_clock_source
> >      return _uhd_swig.usrp_source_sptr_set_clock_source(self, source,
> > mboard)
> > RuntimeError: LookupError: IndexError: multi_usrp::mb_root(1) -
> > LookupError: IndexError: multi_usrp::mb_root(1) - path not found
> > /
> >
> > Is there any example available on how I can synchronously start
> > recording from different devices? I assume this is a trivial task but I
> > have been searching for this for a few days right now and I can't find
> > any helpful answer. I am attaching my .grc files.
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Ali

Mark Wagner
University of California San Diego
Electrical and Computer Engineering

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