Hi Glen,

first of all: This email nearly eluded my attention – you replied to a
completely different topic, and that means email clients will sort your
mail under the "Simulated Time?" thread. Simply don't reply to emails
if you don't mean to actually reply.

Then: The SDRPlay block isn't part of GNU Radio itself – it comes from
somewhere else, and I must admit I don't know from where. You'll
probably have to download the SDRPlay driver package and look inside.

Problem with the SDRPlay driver is: It's closed source, and as such,
they can't link software against GNU Radio (which is GPL), and then
distribute it. If someone could reverse engineer that and write a GPL-
compatible driver (and integrate it with soapy or with gr-osmosdr),
that'd be very cool.

Best regards,

On Wed, 2019-11-13 at 20:19 -0500, Glen Langston wrote:
> Hello all,
> This email is a request for documentation on SDRPlay Source block in
> Gnuradio companion.
> I have been testing our Radio Astronomy Spectrometer and Event
> detection with the SDRPlay RSP1A.   It seems to be working pretty
> well, using the downloaded OS for Pi from SDRPlay.  They seem to have
> put a pretty complete version of
> Swig and boost are installed and it was fairly easy to build the C++ code in
> git clone http://www.github.com/WVURAIL/gr-radio_astro
> I did update a few items, including VNC and SSH configuration, but
> mostly it worked out of the box.   I started with a Pi 3B+ but did
> have some trouble running out of memory, so switched to a PI 4B (4 GB)
> and the complied
> code ran well.
> Attached is a screen capture of the design, the inputs to the
> SDRSource and the operating design.   I seem many lines in the
> frequency range 1416.5 to 1423.5 MHz and I'm wondering if I have the
> wrong band pass filter selected.   But I the SDRPlay source block
> inputs don't well match the hardware layout (so far as I can figure
> out).  (The capture has the wrong frequency label, it should be GHz
> not MHz).
> I've goggled everywhere but have had no luck finding any document on
> the sdrplay source block in gnuradio companion.   Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Glen

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