Hi Tom,

funky distro!
That API used to be string (of a serialized PMT) and now is PMT
directly. That happened somewhere around July.
Thus, this slightly looks like you still have some older header files
lying around? Or some outdated SWIG output that somehow ends up in your
Could you try in a clean container? I'm trying here locally, but
honestly, I've never used slackware before, and thus I need to learn
every packager tool in the process, and that's kind of a burden.

Best regards,
On Thu, 2020-01-02 at 15:18 +0000, Tom Crane wrote:
> I am attempting to build the v.3.8 source under Slackware64 Linux
> and 
> can't get past this and a few subsequent errors.
> Building from the git source results in the same failure.
> Build system details:
>   o gcc 9.2.0
>   o SWIG version 4.0.1
>   o Boost 1.72.0
> My build scripts and build logs are here 
> https://www.mklab.rhul.ac.uk/~tom/tvdx/gr/build_problems/
> Please advise.
> Many thanks
> Tom Crane

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