Hi Quenten,

your Throttle is highly counter-productive:

Either, the source that streams UDP is inherently rate limited, then the
throttle does nothing, or it's not, then the throttle will lead to the
buffer of the UDP Source filling at some point, forcing it to drop samples.

(told you exactly this before, see my mail "Re: Frame drop when Using
GMSK en UDP" from 2020-04-24)

Best regards,

On 30.04.20 10:36, Quenten . wrote:
> Hello to all,
> First before I explain the problem a little backstory:
> I am using a windows 10 PC and GNU radio v3.7.11 because if I go higher
> the bladeRF support doesn't work very well. I am trying to get a 'live'
> stream trough GNU radio.How I get this stream in GNU radio is as followed:
> 1) Stream with OBS to RTMP server
> 2) Use ffmpeg to get this 'live' stream to UDP
> 3)Use UDP source to put this in GRC
> After this I modulate this with GSMK and 'send' it wireless with the use
> of an bladeRF x115. Then receive this with an another bladeRF x115 and
> demodulate it to play the videostream on vlc or an other mediaplayer.
> But first I try to get it working in a simulation program. 
> (for flowgraph picture see attached)
> But when I try to run this simulation there are problems. I don't get a
> signal out.(see result1 picture). I have also tried to switch the fec
> decoder and packet decoder from place but then I don't get any signal in
> the f spectrum not even a 'zero' line and just a flat line in the time
> spectrum.
> A fellow user of this platform advised me to use /_packets or frames and
> also said to use ?zero padding? because I use convolutional codes. But
> couldn't say how to use this._/
> If anyone knows how to do this pls help me and let me know.
> Best regards,
> Q
> P.S.: To see the Mails click link below:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2020-04/msg00216.html  

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