Hi everyone,

The last weeks I've been working on a little project I've had in mind for a
long time now: an implementation of Martin Marinov's excellent TempestSDR
[1] in GNU Radio. Although it's still work in progress, the code is
available at https://github.com/git-artes/gr-tempest and I've tested it on
several recordings I've kept from when we were testing TempestSDR (which I
share on the project's webpage).

My idea with this re-implementation was to add another cool demo into GNU
Radio, plus making it easier to extend and maintain by piggybacking on GNU
Radio's development and using the companion (for instance, I've included a
channel simulation example). I've made some demos and a video that show
them in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTCu8HTaN3Y.

I have not yet tested it with hardware as the university is closed now, so
if anyone can test it I'd be more than glad! Any kind of feedback is as
usual welcome.

Please note that it is currently built around GNU Radio 3.7 as I'm
currently in need of this version of GNU Radio for my classes. Is there a
safe way to install both 3.7 and 3.8?


[1] https://github.com/martinmarinov/TempestSDR

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