Hello, most prolific SDR community to wander this wide globe,

TL;DR: brace yourself. If you're on master, we'll be breaking your OOT. You don't have to worry about anything if you're using GNU Radio 3.8.

We're close to merging the pybind branch into master – and that means we're improving things a lot.

Formerly, we used SWIG to generate Python bindings for GNU Radio's C++ classes – a decision made much more than a decade ago[1], when it still wasn't clear that Python would be the only language we support (SWIG can generate wrappers for *a lot* of languages).

In what it does, SWIG is pretty impressive: give it some C++ header, and it will generate the correct binding for python, including generating of some mapper types, transparent handling of pointers etc. And, we've really been using it a lot and in a lot of complex usage scenarios. I honestly think that, together with OpenCV and LLDB, we really might be the healthiest and largest project to use SWIG in such a wide way. I'm very thankful SWIG exists!

Now, having said that, SWIG was always kind of a pain to work into our source tree. The promise of "throwing in unmodified C++ headers, getting out perfect Python bindings", far too often, turned out to be "after massaging these headers quite a bit, then adding a bit of SWIG directives here and there in swig .i files that we have to keep updated whenever we change header structure"; and every time something broke our SWIG bindings, be it a bug on our side or an unexpected change in SWIG semantics, or be it that SWIG stubbornly refuses to use the include paths we specify on some platforms, we sunk literal working days into getting things fixed.

So, as awesome as SWIG's automatism are, using it on such a type-diverse code base, with such a platform-diverse user community, was kind of liable for a lot of time not spent on developing a better SDR framework, but fixing tooling.

Thus, Josh took it upon himself to get this sorted out – and replace SWIG with Pybind11. Now, Pybind11 is pretty different from SWIG. It's actually pure C++11 code, and just compiles with standard compilers. No extra tooling required.

It does come at the expense of you having to declare your interface yourself. That sounds like a regression, but honestly, there's been so much work put into making this automateable by Josh, for most blocks that don't do anything "special", you can just let the automatism take over. If that doesn't work, you'll typically get a compiler error, telling you exactly what's wrong. To illustrate, I'll attach the code generated to wrap a simple block below[2].

However, what that means is that we're also changing the way OOTs need to wrap their C++ to Python so that they can still can work with GNU Radio C++ objects wrapped to Python. gr_modtool has been updated to have new stubs, and the aforementioned automatism is available, too. Small problem: unlike compilation, the code generation does need an extra bit of tooling, pygccxml to be specific. This is really only necessary when you wrap a block that's not been wrapped before, not when compiling any existing module or the GNU Radio source tree.

In terms of compile time: according to my current level of overview, for proper multicore machines, building the many smaller C++ files tends to be a bit faster than first running SWIG to generate 100kLOC-files and then compile these monsters. For single- or dualcore machines, the opposite tends to be true. It's my duty to remind you that compiling on a RaspberryPi itself might get even more cumbersome than it currently is, and that you should prefer the cross-building toolchains of the operating system you're running on the embedded platform rather than building directly on it. Especially debian makes that pretty easy.

Best regards,
and the happiest of hacking,


[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2003-03/msg00135.html


        std::shared_ptr<pub_sink>>(m, "pub_sink", D(pub_sink))
        py::arg("timeout") = 100,
        py::arg("pass_tags") = false,
        py::arg("hwm") = -1,
        py::arg("key") = "",
        D(pub_sink, make))
.def("last_endpoint", &pub_sink::last_endpoint, D(pub_sink, last_endpoint))

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