
Just as one has to do with getting a file from Github, you have to click on the 'Raw' button before you copy the file with your text editor. Once you do that, you will have the correct format.

For good measure, attached is the grc file.

BTW, Ryan gave me the info I needed about the PulseAudio page.

Barry Duggan KV4FV

On 7/3/20 4:28 AM, Cinaed Simson wrote:
Hi Barry - the GRC isn't an image or binary file - it's a text based XML file.

Send it as an attachment to your email.

If I recall correctly, uploading a GRC file to and then downloading it destroys the flow graph (the XML formatting) and reduces the GRC flowgraph to a stack of text from the blocks.

Try it.

-- Cinaed

On 7/2/20 4:26 AM, Barry Duggan wrote:
Hi Cinaed,

The Pluto_NFM.grc is in  I have found that reducing the buffer size on the Pluto almost eliminated the audio underruns.

So what I am left with is needing to know what is wrong with the procedure in

I have been doing a lot of documentation updates and would like to correct / improve that page.

Thanks for your help.
Barry Duggan KV4FV

On 7/1/20 4:53 PM, Cinaed Simson wrote:
Hi Barry - can you post the GRC file (no images please) for when the audio doesn't work correctly?

-- Cinaed

On 7/1/20 5:43 AM, Barry Duggan wrote:
Hi Cinaed,

Thank you for your response. Yes, I have tried those and the "hw:CARD=Generic,DEV=0" works well for most flowgraphs. I obtained that from the 'aplay -L' command.

Let me reiterate my request: In exploring the audio problems, I followed the instructions in and it gave the error I cited. So what I want to know is: Did I do something wrong, or is the procedure not correct?

I need someone who is familiar with the ALSA and PulseAudio software to look at this.



    author: ''
    category: '[GRC Hier Blocks]'
    cmake_opt: ''
    comment: ''
    copyright: ''
    description: ''
    gen_cmake: 'On'
    gen_linking: dynamic
    generate_options: qt_gui
    hier_block_src_path: '.:'
    id: Pluto_NFM
    max_nouts: '0'
    output_language: python
    placement: (0,0)
    qt_qss_theme: ''
    realtime_scheduling: ''
    run: 'True'
    run_command: '{python} -u {filename}'
    run_options: prompt
    sizing_mode: fixed
    thread_safe_setters: ''
    title: Pluto  2 meter NB FM
    window_size: (1536,1024)
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [16, 12.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled

- name: rf_decim
  id: variable
    comment: ''
    value: '5'
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [272, 12.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: true
- name: rf_gain
  id: variable_qtgui_range
    comment: ''
    gui_hint: ''
    label: RF Gain
    min_len: '200'
    orient: Qt.Horizontal
    rangeType: float
    start: '0'
    step: '1'
    stop: '70'
    value: '50'
    widget: slider
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [504, 12.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: true
- name: samp_rate
  id: variable
    comment: ''
    value: '1920000'
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [184, 12.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: sq_lvl
  id: variable_qtgui_range
    comment: ''
    gui_hint: ''
    label: Squelch
    min_len: '200'
    orient: Qt.Horizontal
    rangeType: float
    start: '-100'
    step: '5'
    stop: '0'
    value: '-50'
    widget: counter_slider
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [624, 12.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: tuning
  id: variable_qtgui_range
    comment: ''
    gui_hint: ''
    label: Tuning
    min_len: '200'
    orient: Qt.Horizontal
    rangeType: float
    start: 144.0e6
    step: 1.0e3
    stop: 148.0e6
    value: 146.94e6
    widget: counter_slider
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [360, 12.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: volume
  id: variable_qtgui_range
    comment: ''
    gui_hint: ''
    label: Volume
    min_len: '200'
    orient: Qt.Horizontal
    rangeType: float
    start: '0'
    step: '0.1'
    stop: '1.00'
    value: '0.3'
    widget: slider
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [744, 12.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: analog_nbfm_rx_0
  id: analog_nbfm_rx
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    audio_rate: '48000'
    comment: ''
    max_dev: 5e3
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    quad_rate: (int)(samp_rate/rf_decim)
    tau: 75e-6
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [672, 212.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: analog_simple_squelch_cc_0
  id: analog_simple_squelch_cc
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    alpha: '1'
    comment: ''
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    threshold: sq_lvl
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [488, 228.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: audio_sink_0
  id: audio_sink
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    comment: ''
    device_name: hw:CARD=Generic,DEV=0
    num_inputs: '1'
    ok_to_block: 'False'
    samp_rate: '48000'
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [720, 340.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0_0
  id: blocks_multiply_const_vxx
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    comment: Volume
    const: volume
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    type: float
    vlen: '1'
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [552, 348.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: iio_pluto_source_0
  id: iio_pluto_source
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    auto_filter: 'True'
    bandwidth: '1000000'
    bbdc: 'True'
    buffer_size: '8192'
    comment: ''
    filter: ''
    frequency: int(tuning)
    gain1: '''manual'''
    manual_gain1: rf_gain
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    quadrature: 'True'
    rfdc: 'True'
    samplerate: samp_rate
    uri: ip:
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [64, 148.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: true
- name: low_pass_filter_0
  id: low_pass_filter
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    beta: '6.76'
    comment: ''
    cutoff_freq: '6000'
    decim: rf_decim
    gain: '1'
    interp: '1'
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    samp_rate: samp_rate
    type: fir_filter_ccf
    width: '2000'
    win: firdes.WIN_HAMMING
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [296, 188.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: qtgui_sink_x_0
  id: qtgui_sink_x
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    bw: samp_rate
    comment: ''
    fc: tuning
    fftsize: '1024'
    gui_hint: ''
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    name: '""'
    plotconst: 'True'
    plotfreq: 'True'
    plottime: 'True'
    plotwaterfall: 'True'
    rate: '10'
    showports: 'False'
    showrf: 'True'
    type: complex
    wintype: firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [296, 348.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: true

- [analog_nbfm_rx_0, '0', blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0_0, '0']
- [analog_simple_squelch_cc_0, '0', analog_nbfm_rx_0, '0']
- [blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0_0, '0', audio_sink_0, '0']
- [iio_pluto_source_0, '0', low_pass_filter_0, '0']
- [iio_pluto_source_0, '0', qtgui_sink_x_0, '0']
- [low_pass_filter_0, '0', analog_simple_squelch_cc_0, '0']

  file_format: 1

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