Depending on your sample rate and tone frequency, that plot would be

The analog signal needs to be encoded somehow as data before transmission.
While you could feed an audio file 2 bits at a time into a QPSK modulator,
it's pretty unlikely that you will be able to recover the audio. If you're
thinking of "transmitting audio", look into audio codecs. If you're
thinking of sending a wav file, you're really just sending packets. Either
way, you will need a complete chain that includes error correction, clock
recovery, etc.

On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 3:58 PM lannan jiang <> wrote:

> Hi all,
>     I have been following the PSK guided tutorial
> . I
> am on the mpsk_stage6.grc, but I want to transmit a simple tone instead of
> a random source, so I added a signal source which generates a sine wave.
> However, here are my questions:
>    1.  I select the output of the signal source as bytes, and the time
> plot of it is attached. As you can see, the plot looks like bursts. But if
> I add an audio sink after signal source directly, I hear a constant tone.
> This does not make sense to me, as I thought I should hear discontinuous
> sound as the plot shows, could someone explain this?
>     2. With the first question being said,  I am using a constellation
> modulator (QPSK) that takes 2 bits/symbol.
>     How can I feed the output  of signal source ( a 16-bit audio file
> later on) to the constellation modulator properly?
> *Thanks in advance! Regards, *
> *Lannan Jiang*

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