wHi Kevin, 
  Thank you for your response! 
  I have looked at those examples and specifically those blocks already and I 
have looked at the C++ API reference. But still, as you said, each block 
requires a lot of studying, and currently I am just trying to find an easier to 
prepend a known pattern at the transmitter. Perhaps I’ll go with the more 
complex examples eventually. 
  Thanks for you help anyway! 
  Best regards,

> On Jul 24, 2020, at 10:57 PM, Kevin McQuiggin <mcqui...@me.com> wrote:
> Hi Lannan:
> I am at about the same stage as you are with packetization and am researching 
> quite similar requirements.  I spent the last few days reading and 
> experimenting with some success.
> There are several blocks that can help you add length tags and headers to 
> your data stream.  Look at the examples in your gnuradio installation such as
> /(opt or usr)/local/share/gnuradio/examples/digital/packet 
> And give the several flowgraphs there a try.  There is also good associated 
> reading in the gnuradio manual at:
> https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/page_packet_comms.html 
> <https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/page_packet_comms.html>
> I used these materials and the principles in the example flow graphs to now 
> having my QPSK transceiver almost running.  I expect that with a bit more 
> effort it will be running fine early next week, as I am taking the weekend 
> off.
> The examples have stuff that you may not need like CRCs and forward error 
> correction, but you could leave those out if you wish.  Focus on the packet 
> length tagging and header creation, and then on the header/payload demuxing 
> process.  
> I have a loopback test flowgraph and am just working the bugs out of header 
> and payload recovery.  It is quite detailed and the blocks need some study 
> because, for example, some of the packet blocks want lengths of items in 
> bits, while others want that info in bytes.  I made errors by assuming byte 
> count when it turned out that the block wanted bit count.  Stuff like that.  
> You have to read about the details of each block.  
> Hope this helps,
> Kevin
>> On Jul 24, 2020, at 2:54 PM, lannan jiang <jln...@live.com 
>> <mailto:jln...@live.com>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>>    Two days ago I asked something about boundary alignment, and I have been 
>> trying many stuff in GRC to solve this. I am stuck on this for days and any 
>> help will be appreciated. Below is a description of what I wish to do. 
>>   1) My transmission and receiving chain are like this: signal source -> 
>> constellation modulator -> Adalm Pluto Tx-> Antenna -> Adalm Pluto Rx -> 
>> Polyphase Clock Sync -> CMA equalizer -> Costas Loop -> decoding. As for 
>> modulation scheme, I am using QPSK.
>>    2)  Now I just want to transmit  one byte output from the signal source, 
>> and following with one byte of a known pattern, and then one byte output 
>> from the signal source, etc. Then at the receiver, because i already know 
>> the known pattern, I need to sync to the known pattern in order to align the 
>> bytes, which will allow me to hear clean audio at the receiver.
>>    3) There are three things I am looking for: 
>>       a.  I have been looking for a SIMPLE way  to prepend a known pattern 
>> at the transmitter, and send it with the output bytes of a signal source.  
>> Is there any block that might work to do this in GRC?
>>       b.  I have been trying to see if i can write an embedded python block 
>> to prepend a known pattern, but I am having a hard time trying to understand 
>> the input_items of the block, and how i can add a known pattern iteratively.
>>       c. If i can successfully send the known pattern with my data to the 
>> receiver, is there any easy way to parse at the receiver?
>>  Thank you in advance! 
>>  Lannan 

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