El 13/8/20 a las 22:40, Martin Braun escribió:
> GNU Radioers,
> as the GNU Radio project matures, we're going to spend some time
> evolving the actual organization behind it. We'll keep you posted on
> updates on that, but as a first step, we'd like to define the mission
> statement of the GNU Radio organization.

Hi Martin,

That sounds like a great idea!

Maybe I don't have my ideas in enough order to condense them into some
form of mission statement yet (maybe something will occur in the next
few days), but I thought I'm going to launch them here now to contribute
to the discussion.

As you said, the GNU Radio project is much more than the GNU Radio
software. Around this software there is a whole community of people
doing DSP and RF, sharing their ideas, code and results in an open and
friendly manner, in the spirit of the FOSS ideals.

We've had a few talks in GRcon where GNU Radio isn't used a single time,
yet the subject of the talk is very in line with the spirit of the GNU
Radio community. FOSDEM is another great example. It's not technically
GNU Radio, but it has a large presence of GNU Radio people. Most of the
talks are not about GNU Radio, but still completely relevant to GNU Radio.

Personally, I think that I use GNU Radio in only about half of my
projects. However, in all of them I draw ideas from the GNU Radio
community, be it in the form of code, theory, or just inspiration. I can
say that GNU Radio and its community shapes my way of viewing this field
of technology.

Another random example: if one wants to learn about how to actually do
PLLs in practice, they might go and read Tom Rondeau's post


or browse the GNU Radio code. The ideas might end up implemented
somewhere else (hopefully open source).

So the GNU Radio software is the central piece to the GNU Radio project,
but there are many more activities surrounding it. My vague idea of the
GNU Radio project's mission would be something along the lines of "to
promote and foster this kind of activities". Now we have to come up with
a good definition of these activities.



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