Thanks Jeff!

Unfortunately, these settings are already present in that config.yml. I double checked the config.yml in my prefix as well. There are no overwrites.

This is from `gr-recipes/libosmo-dsp.lwr`:
configure: autoreconf -i -I /usr/share/aclocal && ./configure --prefix=$prefix $config_opt
I'd really like to learn about `$config_opt`. What value(s) are in there?
I removed libosmo-dsp (also from the inventory.yml).

This is the output of `pybombs -v install libosmo-dsp`:
[DEBUG] Requirements met.
[DEBUG] Using build directory: /home/johannes/prefix/gnuradio/src/libosmo-dsp
[DEBUG] Configuring recipe libosmo-dsp
[DEBUG] Using vars - ordereddict([('config_opt', ''), ('builddir', '/home/johannes/prefix/gnuradio/src/libosmo-dsp')])
[DEBUG] In cwd - /home/johannes/prefix/gnuradio/src/libosmo-dsp
[DEBUG] Executing command `$ autoreconf -i -I /usr/share/aclocal && ./configure --prefix=/home/johannes/prefix/gnuradio'
Configuring: (100%)
[DEBUG] Thread signaled termination or returned
[DEBUG] Return value: 0
[DEBUG] Configure successful.
[DEBUG] Setting state to `configured'
[DEBUG] Saving inventory to file /home/johannes/prefix/gnuradio/.pybombs/inventory.yml...
[DEBUG] Building recipe libosmo-dsp
[DEBUG] In cwd - /home/johannes/prefix/gnuradio/src/libosmo-dsp
[DEBUG] Executing command `$ make -j64'
Building:    [
This is where it hangs.

I just tried to run it on a host with a full LaTeX installation. There it goes through without any issue.

My guess would be that I'd have to do a full LaTeX install. That's something I'd like to avoid.

I'd like to skip the whole Doxygen part and hope the issue goes away. A more narrow solution would be nice as well though.


On 26.05.21 19:17, Jeff Long wrote:
In ~/.pybombs/config.yml

- config:
     makewidth: 4
     builddocs: OFF
     cmakebuildtype: Release

On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 12:41 PM Johannes Demel < <>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to install gr-osmosdr with GR 3.9. Currently pybombs hangs
    during libosmo-dsp build. Unfortunately it just hangs forever without
    any output, but if I try it manually, I see:

    ! LaTeX Error: File `newunicodechar.sty' not found.

    Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
    or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)

    Enter file name:
    Thus, I'd like to disable generating docs. All of this happens while
    docs are generated. There's a minimal latex install but I don't want
    more TeX on that machine.

    I can't find the switch to disable docs. How do I do that? Or disable


-- Johannes Demel M.Sc.
    Research Engineer

    University of Bremen
    Department of Communications Engineering
    Faculty 1 - Physics / Electrical Engineering
    NW1, N2400
    Otto-Hahn-Allee NW1
    28359 Bremen

    Phone +49 421 218-62393 <>

    Tel. +49 421 218-62390 <> <>

    University of Bremen - Established 1971

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