
Here is the flowgraph. I see the spurs on an HP8563E with RBW at 30Hz and span at 200Khz. I remember that it could be related to my spectrum analyser : I will investigate in that direction before. But if someone could make the test, it could be interesting. I use a N210 with LFTX and LFRX.

-70dBc could be nothing for digital transmission but in analog use case, as near as it is from the signal, -70dBc is not so good. For station closed to that TX, it will be heard especially in HF usage.

Best regards,

Fabien, F4CTZ.

Le 01/02/2022 à 17:01, Marcus D. Leech a écrit :
On 2022-02-01 06:35, Fabien PELLET wrote:

Thanks for the reply. As I wrote, I try several sampling rate on the baseband I provide to the USRP without any effects on that spurs so it is not related to the sampling rate. I just put a signal source that feeds the USRP sink for that test.

It should be EMC related, as far as I understand reading all answer on that mailing list.


Best regards,

Fabien, F4CTZ.
Could you share the exact flow-graph you're using?

Also, a spur at -70dBc can usually be ignored in any practical system -- it's 10,000,000 times weaker than the carrier.

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    type: fc32
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    coordinate: [856, 208.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled

- [analog_sig_source_x_0, '0', uhd_usrp_sink_0, '0']

  file_format: 1

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