Hi Mitja,

On 4/26/22 7:45 PM, Mitja kocjančič wrote:

BTW: if I go with 0.2.3, tag of GROsmoSDR how should I go about applying your patches (is there a tool that would take a patch and apply it automaticly, because I don't want to patch this by hand because then it would surely take another month or 2 for me to patch this manualy :)

I just put my local branch with the patches up on Github, so you can now just use that:


However, I doubt the difference is significant from what you are already using. I just have to base everything on a tagged release per conda-forge policy.

Now I guess I need to figure out why does GROsmoSDR invoke bind_oot_file.py

Ok, so I found where this is getting invoked from:


So it should only be calling bind_oot_file.py when the hash of the binding header file (sink_python.h) that it calculates does not match what is in the header file itself, you have pygccxml, and the flag is set within the header for the python bindings to be automatically generated. It probably warns you about this when you run cmake for gr-osmosdr, but I'm guessing that was lost in the noise. There are a couple possibilities:

1) The current hash on the master branch is wrong, and it needs to be fixed. (And it is correct for v0.2.3+patches which I why I haven't see it.) 2) Your git checkout of gr-osmosdr has resulted in the use of different line endings than what was used to generate the md5 hash, so your hash doesn't match. This is specifically a Windows problem with line endings being different than other platforms. This was fixed for main GNU Radio (https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/pull/4140), but maybe not for OOT modules like gr-osmosdr in which case what happens depends on your local settings.

Hope that helps!


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