On 19/11/2022 08:33, Nikoloz Glonti wrote:
Dear Gnuradio community,

Is it possible to somehow control(read/write) AD93xx registers from level of gnuradio(or in libuhd)? I would like to change settings of AGC in chip, but don't know where to start?

best regards

It depends on exactly what you want to do.

If you just want to turn AGC on/off, UHD (and the UHD source in Gnu Radio) already allows you to do that via the
  RF Controls.

If you want to modify things like the AGC setpoints, you'll have to dive below the API level, I think and modify UHD

UHD tries to present a unified API to applications, so that applications can be mostly "agnostic" with respect to the actual
  hardware in use.  So there isn't any "direct to the registers" API.

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