On 22/11/2022 16:24, Moses Browne Mwakyanjala wrote:
Hi everyone,
I wrote a simple program for a usrp b210. I would like to change the RX antenna on the fly. That is, antenna 0 should be RX2 on Subdevice A:A and antenna 1 RX2 on Subdevice A:B as shown in the piece of code below. The problem I face is that I can't change the subdevice on the fly. The usrp->set_rx_subdev_spec(sRxSubDev) call doesn't seem to have any effect if it is called more than once. How should I proceed?

         std::string sRxSubDev;
         case 0:// Using antenna 1
             sRxSubDev = std::string("A:A");
         case 1:// Using antenna 2
             sRxSubDev = std::string("A:B");
Thanks in advance,
You would likely have to tear down the streamer and start a new one.

Alternately, you could just stream both channels at the same time, and simply drop the samples from the part of the stream
  you don't care about.

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