
I think your import statement should start with small letter i. Capital
letter I leads to the error message you described.

-- Volker
Am 09.03.23 um 17:06 schrieb Hassel, George:

I'm having some difficulty with saving metadata.   I'm trying to use
File Meta Sink as a block in gnuradio companion, and I get an error
message in the Extra Dict. filed that "Value "pmt.make_dict()" cannot be
evaluated: name 'pmt' is not defined.    I try to add in an Import block
that says Import pmt, and get an error that says "Param -
Import(imports): Bad import syntax: "pmt".

If I instead just use a python script with import pmt, I still get
errors involving the File Meta Sink blocks.

I tried to make sure that pmt was installed with pip3 install pmt, but
that causes an error with finding the paths for gnuradio.   I resolved
that by following the instructions at
<https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/ModuleNotFoundError>, but again
come back to the same errors involving pmt.

My Ubuntu version is 22.10
My gnuradio version is
My python3 version is 3.10.7

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!

-George Hassel

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