Good Morning!

I'm looping the mailing list back in, so that more people can look at it!

So, this looks generally pretty good; you have exactly one environment. But: that might mean when you said you were using miniforge, you might have installed things into the same environment, so that problems stemming from that might persist.

Hm; aside from trying to make a new environment, activating it and installing GNU Radio in there, my honest assessment is that I'm out of my conda depth!

I hope someone else on the list has a clever idea.

Best regards,

On 29.02.24 14:54, Dave Borch wrote:
Good morning, Marcus.
Here is the result of my query:

(base) C:\Users\Dave>conda info --envs
# conda environments:
base                  *  C:\Users\Dave\radioconda

Does this shed any light on the problem?

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 6:24 PM Marcus Müller <> wrote:
Hi Dave,

welcome to the GNU Radio community! We certainly try to make it entry-friendly; 
and the
good news is that the errors you're seeing don't seem to be UNIX-related :)

So, I'd have to guess a lot here, but the error you're describing could mean 
there's a
wrong version of a library being found – which is supporting, usually *conda 
are quite self-contained!

This is but a stab in the dark, but: Is it possible you set up radioconda, and 
used the
same conda prefix as you used for miniforge? Don't really understand how that 
would break,
but it's my best guess for now.

Maybe there's multiple conda environments? Does `conda info --envs` say 
something to that end?

Best regards,

On 27.02.24 22:22, Dave Borch wrote:
I'm brand new to Gnu Radio and haven't really used Unix for years. So
please be patient with me here. I loaded Gnu Radio Companion onto my
Windows 10 system and whenever I try to execute a flow graph involving
any of the QT tools I get the following message:

DLL load failed while importing qtgui_python: The specified procedure
could not be found.

Listed below are the packages that didn't load properly:

Failed \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Users\
Failed \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Users\Dave\radioconda\Library\bin\icuuc73.dll
Failed \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Users\Dave\radioconda\Library\bin\icudt73.dll
Failed \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Users\Dave\radioconda\Library\bin\libomp.dll

I get the same error whether I load radioconda using the radioconda
installer from github or by using miniforge.

Running Gnu Radio Companion on a laptop, also running Windows 10, I
don't experience this problem. I don't experience the problem on my
Raspberry Pi either.

I'd be grateful for any help, and please direct me to the appropriate
forum if I'm here in error.


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