Hi Adarsh,

nice to have you around!
Since you are choosing a topic where familiarity with the workflow in GRC is necessary, it would be a good point in time to start working through the tutorials https://tutorials.gnuradio.org ; you'll want to know how to create your own flow graph, be familiar with the terminology (Blocks, flow graphs, hierarchical block, …) when you start writing your proposal.

If while working through the tutorials you have questions, you can always find helpful people here on the mailing list, or on the #gnuradio:gnuradio.org chat room (see [1] on how to reach that). The same, and even more, applies when you want to discuss approaches to the problem before finalizing your proposal!

Best regards,

[1] https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php?title=Chat

On 23.03.24 14:41, Adarsh Sudheer wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I am Adarsh Sudheer and i am currently pursuing my 2nd year CS undergraduate at 
University. I am interested in learning technologies related to python  and cpp. I will be very happy to work with you all in accomplishing our goals. I will very happy to work on the topic of GRC: Build-in sub flowgraphs involving python

With Regards
Adarsh Sudheer

  • Regarding GSoC Adarsh Sudheer
    • Steps towards a GSoC proposal for project "GRC: b... Marcus Müller

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