Hi Jim,

try not using the direct hardware device, but the device provided by your sound system; see the "for users wiht audio trouble" section on the Audio Source documentation page.

Best regards,

On 14.04.24 18:02, Elmore Family wrote:
I am getting the subject error when running a Python script called repeatedly from another script.
The snippet_ft8_rxtx.py shows the call, FT8_Receive.main(), in the while loop.
FT8_Receive.py shows the called script.
FT8_Receive.pdf is the flowgraph used to generate the called script which as you can see has been modified in main() and with check_time added. The first call to the script is OK but the second call results in the error shown in audio_error.txt. Why is the audio source busy when the flowgraph is stopped (or is it not stopped?) and how do I fix the issue?



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