At Fri, 17 Mar 2006 11:56:14 +0000,
Gerold Rupprecht wrote:
> Could you give us a brief update as to how it is going? 

It is going slower than I'd wish, but hopefully will be finished Real
Soon.  Thanks to Hubert Chan there are some improvements wrt FHS
compliance, but that resulted in further slowdown.  Unfortunately the
last -back release will cause another transition so all packages have
to be rebuilt again.  The current one will be over in a few days so
Gorm 1.0.4 and friends will enter testing (Etch).

> I currently am running Debian stable (Sarge) with GNUMail 1.1.2 and
> would like to move to testing, but when I last tried it broke my
> GNUstep apps. 

This is not supposed to happen, please report such issues as bugs to
the relevant packages.  I am running unstable at home and testing at
work and have no problems.  Note that GNUMail in testing is 1.1.2 as
well since this is the last stable release.

> I was not able to figure out how to deal with all the dependencies
> so I ended up reinstalling Debian stable...

A simple downgrade of the problematic packages should have been

Wait several days in order the transition to be completed and try

"Every non-free program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." --RMS

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