Hi folks,

for various reasons, I'm currently not able to do any more work on
GNUstep related stuff. Partially because of my studies which take most
of my time, partially because I have to reduce the number of things
I'm working on beside my studies.

I'm really sorry about this and I hope that I'm able to "return" at
some point in the future. I will keep watching the GNUstep project
with an open eye and hope that it, at some day, gets the breakthrough
it deserves.

If anyone is interested in taking over projects please contact me. I
think the main two things are PopplerKit and Vindaloo. I'll keep
everthing accessible on the web.


Stefan Kleine Stegemann
Mail: stefankst at gmail.com
Home: http://rzserv2.fhnon.de/~lg017420
Weblog: http://stefaninuk.blogspot.com/

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