Am 01.03.2007 um 23:42 schrieb Riccardo:

The idea would be to brew our own, but leveraging on existing tools (DOM trees, XML renderes, parsers, etc... he was much more expert than me and I don't remember the details but maybe I can dig them up). THis would give us a true obj-c solution with possibly some C wrappers. THis would be a portable engine to macosx too. Nice thing. Also by using these modules we would define clear interfaces and in the future rewriting a module could be easy. Also, suppose you need to display X-HTML only, you would need a subset only since it would be valid XML, thus you could put together a pretty light engine, suitable for example for documentation display.

Maybe the Omnigroup is willing to open source their old Cocoa based implementation that they have lying around useless since OmniWeb switched to webkit. At least we should ask them politely if they are willing to donate the code.

regards, Lars

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