On 2007-06-26 02:14:00 +0800 [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 25 Jun., 17:22, Zhang Weiwu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have read on the web that work is in progress to build a framwork
for web rendering for whole GNUStep including building a browser
(vespucci). I am glad GNUStep developers are working on a GNUStep
browser. But as a novice user I have a question: as described on the
webpage, "Apple has not released it's WebKit under open source so
GNUstep WebKit provides a WebKit implementation from scratch."

No, that is neither true nor the reason. WebKit from Apple is open
If it is written somewhere so that it can be misunderstood, please can
you provide a link so that we can fix it?

It's on the first page in Google search result:

I only noticed one mistake on that page: it should be "not released its WebKit", but not "not released it's WebKit"

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