On 8/22/07, Daniel Santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a user of the GNUStep environment, and new to ObjectiveC/GNUStep
> framework. I am using Project Center for development, and besides being
> able to identify a source code line by number, having some sort of
> syntax highliting could be a useful feature :
> - literal values
> - Macros
> - highliting code that belongs to the OpenStep framework (maybe
> highliting for code portability identification, colors for MACOSX only
> methods, etc).
> objective C is a simple language, so highliting it probably doesnt add
> much.

Highlighting is already implemented in SVN!  Highlighting GNUstep classes
would be useful, but I'm not sure how much and if it's worth waisting time
on it when there's other things that, in my opinion at least, are way more

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