Xavier Glattard wrote:
> Adam Fedor a écrit :
>> On Mar 10, 2009, at 7:25 AM, Xavier Glattard wrote:
>>> I don't know what are the requirements for mentors, but I would be
>>> glad to help and take care of one small project :)
>> A big factor in how many students google gives us is the number of
>> students who apply to work with us, so the more ideas and more
>> advertisement we get, the better chance to get more students and more
>> work done.
> So i just have to add my name and (many) ideas in the lists ?
> I don't live in a big city. I can think of 2 or 3 tiny computer
> engineering schools nearby (less than 100km). Around 100 students. I
> don't expect many of these students would apply to work on GNUstep.
> Do we have to rely on Google for advertisement ?

Don't worry about location. Last year I never met the person I was
mentoring direct, although it might have helped.
But time difference is really an issue, if it takes a full day to get a
reply to a question (or at least for a full round trip) the process gets
As Adam explained, the whole process isn't well suited for non-American
students, but there isn't much, we can do about that.

For this year, if we have enough mentors I was thinking about having two
mentors per student. As far as I know, Google doesn't support that
concept directly, but it surely would have helped me last year having a
co-mentor to discuss how to deal with the student and to give support
while I was on holiday.

> As I'm working on gscoredata I can submit some ideas about it. Some of
> the already submitted ideas will still apply after my work.
> http://wiki.gnustep.org/index.php/Summer_Of_Code_Ideas
> - SQLite, XML, binary, etc. NSPersistentStore subclasses
> - improve DataBuilder.app
> - file formats compatible with Cocoa, including model.
> About the backend :
> - unified backend : Windows and X11 backends share a lot of
>     functionalities...
> - Cairo/Glitz/OpenGL backend : needs some work on Glitz I'm afraid
> - Cairo/DirectFB backend : someone posted here about that some
>     months ago
> About AppKit:
> - NSMovie/QTMovie class based on vlc or other...
> - NSOpenGLPixelBuffer class
> Does GAP stand for "Application project" ? Does that mean that any
> GNUstep/Cocoa based project could be submitted ? And not only GNUstep
> specific.
> - new 3DKit
> - multiplatform OpenGL extensions API (glu-like)
> - multiplatform HID API : joystick...
> Or any graphic or gaming related project in which some students will
> surely be interested.
> Some open source Cocoa applications might be ported to GNUstep:
> - Vim GUI : two cocoa-based gui projects already exist
> - Mozilla Gecko : many cocoa projects
> - OpenOffice : released some week ago
> - VLC
> - NetHack3D
> http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?CocoaOpen
> http://osx.hyperjeff.net/Apps/apps?sub=100&t=1&s=on
> If there is no objection I will soon add these ideas in the list.

These sound great to me.

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