On 2009-05-08 15:36:47 +0800 Zhang Weiwu <zhangwe...@realss.com> wrote:

Hello. I failed to send my first email using GNUmail with an error message about authentication. Then the email compose window disappeared (I as user expected the window still opened in case email fail to send). Then I am thinking about resending, but facing two problems:

   1. There is no "resend" or "send" function in the menu;
   2. And there is no "unsent" mailbox for keeping unsent email, so
      where is my email now? I checked Drafts too with no luck.

Is my email lost?

After studied GNUMail for a while now i think I can answer my own question, also for those others who feel confused. In GNUMail there is a Console (under Window menu) that has jobs stacking there. Sending an email is a job. Go to the console and right click "Restart" would resent the email.

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