
----- Original Message ----- 
> Am 14.05.2009 um 23:08 schrieb Gregory Casamento:
> > It would be nice to have some modern features such as this.
> +1
> > [...] make it conditional [...]
> I'd resist to make the code more complex than neccessary. All you can
> gain are complaints about different behaviour in different situations
> (cpu speed, system load). Mac OS X handles live resizing on a 132 MHz
> machine under full steam still fine - even if it isn't exactly
> "live", then.

MacOS-X and full blown cocoa do not run on 132 Mhz systems.
And I can assure that Cocoa on a 466MHz G3 with a OpenGL capable videocard
like my iBook, several of these geeky features are damn heavy. Live window
resizing and split views are among them. Other things perform very speedy
and fast - no doubt.


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