Some questions about relocatable packages:

1) Is possible install gnustep-base in other place than USER, LOCAL, 
SYSTEM,...? On wiki say that I can use my own GNUstep.conf file. But even when 
I point other directory to install this (on my personal dir), when I type "make 
install", I get the error:

/usr/bin/install: can't delete 
«/usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/Additional/base.make»: Permission denied
make: *** [before-install] Error 1
Even when I try GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN=USER. Need I an special 
configuration to gnustep-make when build Base?

2) I suppose that GUI and Back don't need an special configuration, right?

3) What about my app, Need I build this with an special configuration? Or need 
an special configuration to gnustep-make when build the app?

Hi German

there are lots of options to relocate things - in fact, so many options it may 
become confusing! ;-)

Reading your email I got the impression that you are trying to install the 
entire GNUstep into your own user 
directory ... maybe not to conflict with an already installed one, or maybe 
because you don't have root access to the box ?

You can do that - I do it all the times and often have three or four different 
and independent GNUstep installations in my home directory :-)

To do it, the key is how you configure gnustep-make.  For example, to install 
all of gnustep into 
/home/nicola/local-gnustep/, here is what I do:

cd core/make
./configure --prefix=/home/nicola/local-gnustep 
make install

. /home/nicola/local-gnustep/System/Library/Makefiles/

cd ../base
make -j 2
make -j 2 install

cd ../gui
make -j 2
make -j 2 install

cd ../back
make -j 2
make -j 2 install

(I'm using '-j 2' to enable a bit of parallelism, but not too much - should 
work fine in all recent CPUs.  If you are building inside a Virtual Machine 
with limited resources it is sometimes better to omit it.  If you have a newer 
CPU, you should probably ramp that up to '-j 4'; if a large server, you are 
probably fine with just '-j').

After that, you have your local GNUstep installation in 
/home/nicola/local-gnustep.  When you use it, anything you install
will be installed in there, and you can use things from there.  To use it, you 
just need to run

. /home/nicola/local-gnustep/System/Library/Makefiles/

and, most likely,

su -c '/home/nicola/local-gnustep/Local/Tools/gdomap -p'

at the beginning to start gdomap.

If you have more than one GNUstep installation, you have to be careful about 
avoiding conflicts between installations.
If you have a few GNUstep installations in your home directory like that one 
that I described, you can easily switch between them as follows:

. /home/nicola/local-gnustep/System/Library/Makefiles/
. /home/nicola/local-gnustep/System/Library/Makefiles/

the first command will remove all shell variables for the previous GNUstep 
installation you were using (if any).  The
second one will set up the environment for using the one in 

I hope this helps! :-)

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