Personally I would not oppose a (temporary?) hijack of this mailing list to discuss apps that are actively maintained. No idea what others may think; I'm really rather new to GNUstep.

Setting up a mailing list via Google Groups should also be trivial. I have set up at least a dozen of them for either continuous or temporary use.


Ivan Vučica
via phone

On 25. tra. 2011., at 03:40, "Zhang Weiwu, Beijing" < > wrote:

On 04/25/2011 03:16 AM, Gregory Casamento wrote:
A more productive use of time would have been to go over GNUstep and
GAP apps which are currently being supported.

FYI Yes I did. A few days ago I was trying to communicate with Riccardo and having stacked about 7 emails to send as soon as there is a mailing list for GAP. Putting it directly here annoys others for being off-topic, yet GAP doesn't have its own mailling list / usenet group, and sending private mail to Riccardo also isn't perfect idea because 1) these emails might spark some open discuss and 2) Riccardo shouldn't be personally responsive for every issue with GAP. Setting up an email list for GAP is out of my capacity.


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