
Ivan Vučica wrote:
Hello all,

I'm trying to build GNUstep Base under Cygwin. So far, I've done the following
I attempted to get GS working on cygwin several times. This would have quite some advantages: cygwin is ubiquitous, also, and this would be the main advantage, you can use both win32 as X11 with cygwin and thus test windows code independently from the backend. Some developers feel that it is not worth the effort and you will get little help.

You may check a thread of Fred and me as report of 2011 with the title "new attempt GNUstep on cygwin".

In theory, cygwin is more unix-like, so porting to it should be easier. You need to be careful not to install "mingw" stuff from inside cygwin though, mingw starts from cygwin.

In some parts of the core we distinguish "windows" with just mingw, while a finer-grained distiction is needed. If you are peeking at this, I'll update cygwin and try again!


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