You never call "release" on a autorelease pool.
you call "drain" to empty it.

        NSAutoreleasePool  *arp=[[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];
        [arp drain];

would be more or less the same as

@autoreleasepool {

> On 20 Mar 2018, at 08:08, H. Nikolaus Schaller <> wrote:
>> Am 20.03.2018 um 07:31 schrieb amon <>:
>> Richard:
>> Thanks. I will look at that.
>> And btw, to the person who suggested @autorelease... I was
>> certain it would not compile, but I tried it anyway. Needless
>> to say, it did not compile.
>> I did try coding
>> p=[NSAutoreleasePool new]; do something; [p release];
>> and in some cases it seemed to help. In others it did not.
>> I'll be digging deeper tomorrow and I will give the macros
>> you suggested a try.
> Well, there may be this pattern:
> while(YES) {
>       arp=[NSAutoreleasePool new];
>       object = do something
>       var=[object retain]
>       [arp release]
> }
> Then, the object will leak despite using an ARP and releasing it.
> The issue is that var=[object retain] will *not* release the previous
> var. That is what the ASSIGN macro would be good for.
> Unfortunately I also don't have a clear method to track down such
> issues especially if they are distributed over multiple frameworks.
>> If nothing else, I am getting a much better handle on how and
>> when memory gets sucked up.
>> A question on NSHost then. If NSHost essentially returns a
>> cache of something like what NeXT used to call Class Objects,
>> like the old Printer Class that always returned the same
>> object (A technique I still use for something btw)
> this is the Singleton Pattern:
>> then that
>> would be less troubling.
>> But to be clear, If I create an NSHost
>> for "" in one place in the code, and then some entirely
>> other area creates one with the same IP, I presume you are
>> seeing that it will return a pointer to the same object? That
>> there will never be two NSHosts with the same IP?
> You can find out by running
>       NSLog(@"%p", [NSHost hostWithAddress:@""]);
> twice in succession.
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