Patrick CARDONA wrote:
> Sorry, I can't get now the answer : I may do something wrong...

Yes, you do:

> > (gdb) break -[NSException raise]
> > Function "-[NSException raise]" not defined.
> > Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y
> > Breakpoint 1 (-[NSException raise]) pending.

Here, type "r" and when it stops, instead of typing "bt" as I asked
initially, continue with these commands:

> > (gdb) fr 7
> > (gdb) po ppdPath

But nevermind, I was able to reproduce with the .ppd file you sent.
It is valid according to cupstestppd so I believe the problem is in
the parser, namely -addPPDKeyword:withScanner:withPPDPath:.  It
assumes the value is either quoted or unquoted string, which is not
always the case.  I'm not sure the attached patch is correct but I
would appreciate if you test it.

Do you need instructions how to apply the patch and rebuild the
gnustep-gui package?
--- gnustep-gui-0.26.2.orig/Source/NSPrinter.m
+++ gnustep-gui-0.26.2/Source/NSPrinter.m
@@ -1159,6 +1159,8 @@
       // Otherwise, scan up to the end of line or '/'
       [ppdData scanUpToCharactersFromSet: valueEndSet 
                               intoString: &value];
+      if (!value)
+        value = @"";
   // If there is a value translation, scan it
   if ([ppdData scanString: @"/" 
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