В Thu, 12 Jul 2018 22:58:59 +0200, Riccardo Mottola написа:
> On 2018-07-12 10:09:04 +0000 Ivan Vučica <i...@vucica.net> wrote:
>> If not, a hacky thing I would do is, I would try:
>>   CFLAGS="-isystem /usr/local/include" ./configure
>> instead.

Or better:

  ./configure CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include

> I just tried myself building SimpleAgenda on FreeBSD.
> it states:
>   --with-ical-include=DIR include path for ical headers
>   --with-ical-library=DIR library path for ical libraries
> but they do not work,

Most probably it doesn't work because of this:

> -AC_ARG_WITH(ical-include, [  --with-ical-include=DIR  include path for
> ical headers], additional_include_dir+=-I"$withval", )
That's a so called "bashism" and I suspect the default shell on FreeBSD 
is not GNU Bash.

What troubles me most is that /usr/local/include is standard and is in 
the search path of both GCC and Clang, at least on GNU/Linux.  You 
shouldn't have to do anything special if libical is installed in /usr/

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