On Aug 5, 2018, at 5:22 AM, Wolfgang Lux wrote:

I finally managed to reproduce the crash, once I've noticed that you are compiling on a 32-bit OS rather than 64-bits (any reason for not using 64-bits nowadays?).

Good catch, now I'm seeing the crash as well (Ubuntu 16.04.5, 32- bit).

Setting a breakpoint on the setApplicationIconImage: and then stepping through that method I found that the code crashes here:
2385      miniWindowSize = [GSCurrentServer() iconSize];

It seems to be a gcc/gobjc compiler/runtime bug: Sending a nil message using a method signature that returns a structure (ex. - [NSView bounds] -> NSRect) results in: 1. Garbage values in the returned structure's members (affects: 32-bit/ 64-bit, debug/non-debug)
2. A corrupted stack (affects: 32-bit w/non-debug)

   Attached are two files:
- nil_msg_check.m: source for a simple test program, NilMsgCheck, which sends a nil message that returns an NSSize value
- GNUmakefile: makefile for NilMsgCheck

Output from running NilMsgCheck on gcc/gobjc 32-bit non-debug:

[self nmcZeroSize] returned: {width = 0; height = 0}
[nil nmcZeroSize] returned: {width = -2.90002e-05; height = 0}
*** stack smashing detected ***: ./obj/NilMsgCheck terminated
Aborted (core dumped)

(If the nil-message is commented-out (nil_msg_check.m:22), NilMsgCheck exits normally without error)

Output from running NilMsgCheck on gcc/gobjc 32-bit debug:

[self nmcZeroSize] returned: {width = 0; height = 0}
[nil nmcZeroSize] returned: {width = -2.74035e-05; height = -2.78249e-05}

   (Exits normally)

Output from running NilMsgCheck on clang/objc2 32-bit debug:

[self nmcZeroSize] returned: {width = 0; height = 0}
[nil nmcZeroSize] returned: {width = 0; height = 0}

   (Exits normally, values are correctly zeroed)



Attachment: nil_msg_check.m
Description: Binary data

Attachment: GNUmakefile
Description: Binary data

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