Hi everyone on the list.

I'm enjoying my summertime to do some gnustep stuff. I want to convert the rik.theme to objc1 because I can't have libobjc2 running on my ppc computers.

For now, I'm dealing with properties.

I've managed to convert this one :

@property (retain) NSButtonCell * defaultbuttoncell;

into :

- (NSButtonCell *) defautbuttoncell {
  return defaultbuttoncell;

- (void) setdefaultbuttoncell: (NSButtonCell *) defaultbuttoncell_ {
  [defaultbuttoncell_ retain];
  [defaultbuttoncell release];
  defaultbuttoncell = defaultbuttoncell_;

And I  want to be sure for this one because of the non atomic and assign attributes :

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL reverse;

is replaced by :

- (BOOL) reverse {
  return reverse;
- (void) setReverse: (Bool) reverse_ {
  reverse = reverse_;



Is this correct ?

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