Hi Edwin,

On 08/25/2018 06:36 AM, edwin ancaer wrote:
this question might seem basic, but hey, even the averagely talented people should be able to use GNUstep to turn their lives into a nightmare...

asking is never a crime!

I would like to know what the default behaviour is when clicking on the title bar of a window, because I see 2 things happening intermittently:

* The first behaviour:  the window seems to scroll up, leaving only the title bar visible, thereby sometime leaving white rectangles on the screen with the width of the original window, that go away when the screen gets redrawn.
When only the title bar was visible, clicking it restores the window.

* The second behaviour is that I can drag the window around with the mouse, whole window visible or only titlebar visible.

It is not making GNUstep unusable, but if feels a little buggy.

If you are running windowmaker and use the default behaviour of letting GNUstep give over the window decoration to the window manager, the behaviour is almost expected.
However, the two behaviours are very distinct.
Also, in this case I believe it is not a GNUstep "bug" or "feature" at all

Click-down and drag is as expected to allow you moving the window.
Double-click usually "wraps" the window to the title bar, leaving the ability to roll it down again. However, depending on your WindowMaker (or generally another window manager) settings it may happen with the middle mouse button or with the wheel. If you have a clickable wheel as button then it may happen unwanted?

A second question pops up: is the maillist the best way to report this kind of beaviour, or should I report this as a bug. I can imagine nicer things to do than following up a never ending list of bug reports.

I think asking on the Mailinglist is just fine, if it happens to be really a bug (or a missing feature) that can't be fixed on the fly, opening the bug is perfect. I don't think it is your case yet.

As this mail is written with GNUMail, and I did not find the way to do some elementary markup, it does not look as good as it could.

Nice that you are really using GNUMail (and that it works enough for you to write!). GNUMail has no HTML mail support, so no fancy stuff - which, by the way, is very fine for posting to mailing list where netiquette is to remain "ASCII".

Also, as I rely heavily on a spell checker to correct my English, you might find lots of mistakes. I did not find a spell checker eiter. :-)

Oh GNUMail should be able to use GNUstep's spell checker. I wonder if your GNUstep is built to support it. To test that, best is to use Ink from a console (in tests-examples) and use it as a reliable reference.

Type in something then do Edit -> Check Spelling

On the system where I am writing on right now (but which is a fresh install, I need to tune it) it does not work and on the I see "Model file load failed for GSSpellPanel"



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