Le 24/07/2019 à 19:29, Andreas Fink a écrit :
this might help you. It's based on Debian9 but on Debian10 theres only a few dependency libraries having a newever version number. Key takeaway: use llvm8 or llvm9 and use the gold linker and set RUNTIME_VERSION=gnustep-2.0.

Thanks a lot for your quick answer.
In fact, the script I attached is quite the same as what you describe, and I had seen it before on the wiki.


18 - AssociatedObject_optimised (OTHER_FAULT) 20 - AssociatedObject_legacy_optimised (OTHER_FAULT) errors are still there though but are corner cases accoring to David Chisnall

I wonder if rik.theme use of set/get_AssociatedObject would fall in this corner case.

But my bigger concern is GWorkspace : without it, all my desktop is down and I can't update my computers to debian 10. I works correctly with libobjc1.9 (without the -enable-gwmetadata option at configure time).

Does it work on debian 9 ? I've quickly tested in the latest Ubuntu and I've got another issue with file operations (copy, paste, link).
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