I really need to be upfront and frank on this subject because it really
upsets me.  I am getting really tired of these petty political arguments
getting in the way of making real progress on this project.

I am really not ready to hear "I don't wanna do this... I'm not gonna sign
up for this service or that service because of some political reason."
Free Software is a good cause and I have been fighting for it for about 20
years now.  I joined GNUstep in 1999 and I have been adamant in my belief
and protection of free software, but I have also watched GNUstep languish
because of decisions sometimes made for political ends rather than for

If you don't want to use clang, fine.... if we leave gcc behind then I
guess you'll need to fork.  You don't like github, then I guess you're not
writing bugs or contributing to the project.  It's just as simple as that.
Many of these decisions were made by consensus... moving to github was not
my idea alone it was myself and the maintainers.  Someone refusing to
submit bugs due to the fact that they might need a github account isn't
going to change that.

I shut down the savannah bug tracker for a very simple reason.  WE AREN'T
HOSTING SOURCE ON SAVANNAH ANYMORE. Contribute, make suggestions to make
things better, but for GOODNESS SAKE make them for technical reasons.

For those who believe that we have received no benefit from moving to
github, think again.  Algoriddim likely would not be contributing unless we
were there and also we have had a number of helpful pull requests due to
being here.  So, please, don't kid yourselves.  Being on github has meant
more exposure for the project which is a good thing.

So, I'm asking you... if you want to help this project leave your petty
political arguments to one side and HELP THE PROJECT and stop WHINING!

FYI, This rant is not directed at one person, just the culmination of
feelings that have been brewing in my mind for a while.


[image: Mailtrack]
notified by
10:33:29 PM

On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 11:56 AM Gregory Casamento <greg.casame...@gmail.com>

> I'm sorry to hear that, but the bug tracker at savannah is permanently
> closed.  I suppose you can use the mailing list.
> [image: Mailtrack]
> <https://mailtrack.io?utm_source=gmail&utm_medium=signature&utm_campaign=signaturevirality5&;>
>  Sender
> notified by
> Mailtrack
> <https://mailtrack.io?utm_source=gmail&utm_medium=signature&utm_campaign=signaturevirality5&;>
>  11/01/19,
> 11:56:16 AM
> On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 1:25 AM Yavor Doganov <ya...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> Gregory Casamento wrote:
>> > Yes, it is disabled to avoid confusion.
>> An announcement would have been nice.
>> > Existing bugs can be updated and closed, but no new ones can be
>> > added.
>> I cannot update existing bugs, perhaps only project members can.
>> That's OK.
>> > Track bugs on github where the main development is now happening.
>> As I don't have a GitHub account and don't plan to make one, I guess I
>> can report bugs to bug-gnustep@.
> --
> Gregory Casamento
> GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
> http://www.gnustep.org - http://heronsperch.blogspot.com
> http://ind.ie/phoenix/

Gregory Casamento
GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
http://www.gnustep.org - http://heronsperch.blogspot.com

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